Title: E-books in Libraries: An Update
When: Monday November 16, 2015
Where: Online
Amigos Members: Admission is free!
Libraries have been working with ebooks for a number of years now and in a variety of ways. The landscape, however, has continued to shift – sometimes under our feet. It is time to take a day to assess where we are.
Some libraries work within the limitations of existing services, providing exceptional value for their communities. Others create their own services from scratch, while still others take advantage of both scenarios. What are you doing to enhance your ebook services? Have you studied your statistics, run user or usability studies, tried an assortment of marketing techniques? Have you created partnerships or worked with specific groups? Gone “where no library has gone before?” Your experiences could help other libraries – public, academic, and special libraries.
Online conference sessions will run 45 minutes each throughout the day.
If you have questions, contact Christine Peterson at 800-843-8482 ext 2891 or peterson@amigos.org.