ILL Conference: What's Around the Bend: Future Currents in Resource Sharing

On November 15, Amigos will host its first online interlibrary loan conference, "What's Around the Next Bend: Future Currents in Resource Sharing." Cosponsored by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, this daylong event will include the tenth TexShare ILL Conference. Cyril Oberlander, winner of the 2012 Virginia Boucher-OCLC Distinguished Interlibrary Loan Librarian Award, will present the keynote address, "The Future of Interlibrary Loan – Valued Role in Transforming Libraries." Liz Wardlaw, TAE Coordinator at Amigos, will host “Trans-Amigos Express: An Interactive Discussion” at 3:00 p.m. for all courier participants. This session will be an organized, interactive discussion among courier participants about best practices, tracking tools, and the future of the courier program.

Libraries are encouraged to discuss topics such as packing requirements, incorporating barcode tracking into their ILL software, tracking statistics, and potential locations for future expansion.

Additional topics include the latest research by Lars Leon and Nancy Kress on the cost of ILL, a look at OCLC's new WorldShare ILL, the basics of borrowing and lending sessions, and many others. To register or learn more about the conference, please visit