Add Ambrose Streaming Digital Videos to your collection

Don't miss out on the opportunity to take advantage of Ambrose Streaming Digital Videos offer. These videos are included in EBSCO Discovery Service, ProQuest's Summon Service, World Cat Discovery Service and coming soon, in Ex Libris Primo Central.

Just $3,295 (or $2,965.00 if you schedule a demo) gives your institution access to over 630 programs and all new releases during the license period. Lock in the price, as there are no plans to ever raise renewal rates. The offer is good until January 15, 2016.

Also, current customers can extend their license for up to five years at the previous license price and receive an extra multi-year discount of up to 25%.
This is a list of the Ambrose Digital videos added since 2013. The whole catalog offer includes 494 videos.

To learn more about adding Ambrose Digital Videos to your library, contact Christopher Burke, or 800-843-8482, ext. 2805.