Springer One-Time Purchase Offer to Amigos Members

Springer Nature is pleased to offer special pricing on their Springer Book Archives (SBA) to Amigos members! And best of all, if you order by October 31, you can save an additional 3%!

The Springer Book Archives includes over 56,000 scholarly eBooks dating from 2004 all the way back to the 1880s and includes subjects such as : Behavioral Sciences, Business & Economics, Engineering, Medicine, and more!

The SBA collection offer is available as a complete set or as three selected subsets, arranged by copyright year.

For more information, including a title list for the Archive collection, click here.

Amigos members are eligible for discounts up to 40% off list prices, and if you order by October 31, you can save an additional 3%! This offer expires December 1, 2018. To request a quote, click here.

For more information, contact Chris Brown at brown@amigos.org, or 800-843-8482, ext. 2843.