AmigosNow Articles

Amigos Member Spotlight

We're proud of our Amigos Library Services members and want to recognize the work that they do in their communities. Each month we will be showcasing an Amigos member library or institution. It's a great way for Amigos members, and non-members alike, to learn from and meet colleagues and peers.

Attend NISO’s May 8th webinar on Indigenous librarianship

Amigos' partnership with NISO extends Library Standards Alliance membership to all Amigos libraries and adds to a full schedule of free continuing education available to all member library staff. Members are invited to attend the May 8th webinar on Indigenous librarianship. NISO makes it easy for Amigos members to receive notice of webinars. Register to be the designated webinar contact for your institution and automatically receive Zoom sign-on information directly  from NISO for all webinars and then share the information with staff and colleagues.
