AmigosNow Articles

Register for Our First Conference of the New Year! Changing Standards, Local Choices: Navigating the Current Cataloging Landscape

With the implementation of the new RDA Toolkit, and progress toward the implementation of BIBFRAME being made, the world of cataloging standards is in a state of flux. While many of the changes will be guided by what's happening at the national, or even global, level, they will also rely on a certain amount of local standard creation.

Register now for Foundations of Intellectual Freedom from Amigos

Across the nation, administrators in libraries of all sizes are experiencing an increase in material censorship challenges. What is the role of libraries regarding intellectual freedom? And what should it be? Now more than ever, library workers must be prepared to understand policies, best practices, and specific ways we can all support community conversations that support intellectual freedom. Join us for this timely topic and discuss roadblocks to access to knowledge and the library's role in the current landscape.

Excited Library Patrons Demonstrate New Custom Branded Play Tables

Did you know that offers customization for your new table? North Manchester Public Library in Indiana recently added a new table and had their touch screen custom branded with the library's logo surrounded by the game icons. Their table purchase was made possible thru a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Indiana State Library.
