AmigosNow Articles

Lexis Nexis Presents - Exploring Nexis Uni Webinar

Join Lexis Nexis' Jude Hayes as he shows Nexis Uni, the completely new product that replaces LexisNexis Academic (LNA). Hayes will walk you through Uni, showing the new features that were unavailable on LNA. He will also address the enhancements planned for Uni. In addition, Lexis wants your feedback on the further enhancements you would like!

Have you looked into Password Managers yet?

If not, take some time to see if they could make your life easier! Password managers save your passwords for you, so you don’t have to remember them. You only need to remember one password and that opens the vault. Password managers can help you create strong passwords and most will automatically fill them in for you. In this session, FREE for Amigos members, we will see how password managers work, what to look for when deciding which one to use, and how you can use them safely.
