AmigosNow Articles

EAD: The Basics

This live, online workshop geared towards archivists and special collection librarians, will provide a solid introduction to the Encoded Archival Description (EAD), an internationally recognized XML-based standard for encoding archival finding aids. Upon course completion, students will be able to assess whether EAD is appropriate for an institution, identify supporting archival standards for EAD, build a complete EAD instance using supplied finding aid data, and much more.

Need a "boot camp" to get started with cataloging?

This course is designed to give you the practical, hands-on information needed to succeed in cataloging. Cataloging & Classification Basics will cover MARC bibliographic, classification, and categorization schemas, basic copy cataloging, and other areas essential to the cataloging department. Hands-on exercises provide practice using your new skills and examples and exercises will be based on OCLC-MARC and accessed through the Connexion cataloging interface.
