AmigosNow Articles

Amigos Member Conference 2023 Keynote Speaker Announced as NISO’s New Board President

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has announced the results of its recent Board elections for the term beginning July 1, 2023. Karim Boughida (Dean of University Libraries, Stony Brook University) will transition to the role of Chair of the NISO Board, having served as Vice Chair for the past year. "As the upcoming chair, I welcome our new esteemed NISO board members," said Karim Boughida. "Let us forge a path toward inclusive, accessible, and interoperable standards that empower individuals and organizations alike."

CFP and registration open for "Libraries Address Inequities"

People experience inequities - instances of injustice and unfairness – in many parts of their lives and may even experience them when engaging with library policies, services, or programs. Central to the mission of libraries is a commitment to addressing long-entrenched and newly emerging inequities in society - whether inequities in access to information, education, opportunity, or representation. Addressing inequities requires assessment of library resources, examination of existing programs and services, and direct engagement with the communities experiencing inequity or injustice. How are libraries stepping up to address inequities across their communities? And how is that central part of our mission changing, becoming more challenging, or more rewarding?
