AmigosNow Articles

Eileen Condon and Cynthia Shetter Appointed to Amigos Library Services Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Amigos Library Services (Amigos) has appointed Eileen Condon, Dean of University Libraries & Editor of Webster University Press, Webster University (Missouri), and Cynthia Shetter, Director, Los Lunas Public Library/Museum of Heritage & Arts (New Mexico), to serve as members of the Board. Condon will complete the term vacated by Barbara Glackin, Dean, Kent Library, Southeast Missouri State University, and Shetter will complete the term vacated by Larry White, Executive Director, Metropolitan Library System (Oklahoma).

Upcoming NISO Webinars

NISO is offering a free informational webinar on their newly published Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern (CREC) Recommended Practice. And in August, their monthly webinar series returns after a brief hiatus with roundtable discussions on building and managing collaborative collections. Amigos members receive free membership to the NISO Library Standards Alliance which includes access to NISO's educational webinar program, unlimited participation in NISO Working Groups/Standing Committees, and discounted registration for all non-webinar events.
