Member Benefits

DOAJ at 20: Trusted webinar December 7 – Registrations open

Registrations is now open for DOAJ at 20: Trusted. This third and final webinar celebrates 20 years of DOAJ, on December 7th at 8 am Central Time. Moderated by Joy Owango from TCC Africa, the ninety-minute webinar will have four speakers – Judith Barnsby, Ivan Oransky, Ixchel Faniel and Dr Haseeb Irfanullah – discuss what it means to be trusted and variations of mistrust in scholarly communications.

NISO Plus Scholarship Application Closing November 17

Part of National Information Standards Organization (NISO)'s ongoing efforts to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in the community, the NISO Plus scholarship program is intended for early- to mid-career professionals whose voices have been underrepresented in the information community. Awardees will learn about NISO's standards work, receive free registration to NISO events, travel and accommodations to NISO's annual conference in Baltimore (pending funder approval), networking and mentorship opportunities and more.
