Amigos Library Services understands that providing our membership with the most current and accurate news and information is a necessity in a constantly evolving industry. We are committed to providing this information to our members through numerous communication channels such as Amigos publications, newsletters, news feeds, and email correspondence.

View our newsletters page to explore our latest newsletters and/or subscribe to them.

Courier Winter Holiday 2024 Schedule

While the Amigos offices are closed December 24, 2024, through January 1, 2025, Trans-Amigos Express (TAE) staff will be monitoring courier email from December 26 through 31st.

Expand Minds, Fuel Curiosity, Stay Informed with The New York Times

Through Amigos, academic and higher education libraries can access discounted subscriptions to The New York Times, providing their students, faculty, and researchers with unparalleled access to the insights and perspectives that matter most. In an era where information is abundant, but accuracy isn’t always guaranteed, The New York Times stands out as a trusted source of thoughtful, fact-based world-class journalism. Since 1851, the news outlet has been shaping informed global citizens with its commitment to truth and excellence in reporting.
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Support Open Access With DOAJ’s Support Model for Libraries

Amigos Library Services is reaching out to remind members of our partnership with the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).  DOAJ is the trusted directory dedicated to indexing high-quality Open Access journals and plays a pivotal role in the scholarly community.  Many libraries use DOAJ’s metadata in their systems to provide users with access to trustworthy journals or to provide advice on where to publish.
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Learn to Jumpstart Your OER Publishing Program with Pressbooks

Amigos vendor partner Pressbooks invites you to join a webinar on December 4, 2024, as part of their Open Education Journey series. This session will feature four Pressbooks partner institutions that have achieved significant success in OER (open educational resources) publishing.

Amigos Member Discount Services Continues Work in ConsortiaManager

Since transitioning to ConsortiaManager, Amigos Member Discount Services (MDS) staff members have diligently uploaded licensing information and subscription notes into the platform. This ongoing effort ensures that license agreements remain accurate and up to date. A widely used commercial tool for consortia worldwide, ConsortiaManager provides many benefits to Amigos members. These include improved data management, enhanced reporting capabilities, and expanded opportunities for members to access and engage with their subscription information.

Congratulations to Metadata Management Tools Micro-Credential Recipients

Congratulations to the six recipients of Amigos’ Metadata Management Tools Micro-Credential. These individuals completed the three courses in the Metadata Management Tools series (Introduction to MarcEdit; Introduction to OpenRefine; and Programming with Python and PyMARC) and a capstone project to demonstrate their mastery of the series’ concepts.
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Amigos Library Services Supports ILL Professionals with Scholarships to Attend Northwest ILL Conference

Amigos Library Services is proud to have sponsored scholarships for eight individuals from member libraries to virtually attend the recent Northwest Interlibrary Loan & Resource Sharing (NWILL) Conference, allowing them to participate virtually in sessions on the latest trends and best practices in ILL and resource sharing. Here are reflections from three of our scholarship recipients, each sharing insights gained from the conference that will benefit their libraries and patrons.

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Learn to Maximize Library Resources with COUNTER: A Strategic Approach to Usage Data. Free November Webinar for Amigos Members!

COUNTER is an invaluable usage statistics standard that is employed to collect and analyze usage data for online resources, ensuring accuracy for informed decision making. Explore best practices and strategies for assessing the reliability of gathered statistics and their reporting. Through discussion, case studies, and expert insights participants will discover how to use assessment data from this standard to optimize resource allocation, enhance user services, and align with library and industry goals.