Amigos Library Services supports resource sharing activities among its members in several ways: reciprocal interlibrary loan agreements, the Trans-Amigos Express courier service and a variety of Continuing Education opportunities for librarians.
Reciprocal Borrowing Agreements
Amigos Library Services Reciprocal Borrowing Agreements
Amigos supports two reciprocal interlibrary loan agreements. The Amigos Resource Sharing Agreement, which is open to new members and The Amigos Western Resource Sharing Agreement, which is not accepting new participants.
- The Amigos Resource Sharing Agreement (AMGS) enables no-charge resource sharing among Amigos Library Services members who sign the agreement. Participating libraries consent to loan and make copies (up to 50 pages) at no charge to other agreement signers. Participants in the reciprocal borrowing programs not only benefit financially but also save time and strengthen the benefit for all other participants.
Participants are encouraged to lend any type of materials normally circulated to their local users but the agreement does not require a library to loan all items or formats. It only requires them to provide loans at no charge to other signers.
It is easy to determine if a library participates. All signers are added to the "AMGS" ILL group in OCLC. A complete list of signers can be found by searching AMGS in the Group Search in the OCLC Policies Directory. Borrowers can view holdings of AMGS signers when submitting ILL requests in OCLC through the Group Holdings display and can identify their own participation in the agreement by listing AMGS or Amigos Resource Sharing Agreement Signer in the Affiliations field of their ILL Constant Data Record.
Amigos Resource Sharing Agreement (pdf)
Amigos Resource Sharing Agreement with signature page (pdf)
Signers for the AMGS Resource Sharing Group (.xlsx) - The Western Resource Sharing Agreement is available to current participants only.
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