
Association Management Services
Amigos Library Services provides administrative and fiscal services to library-related organizations and support groups by hosting events or conferences. We specialize in membership management, tradeshow management, meeting management, and financial management.

Consulting Services
Amigos Library Services has a team of developed individuals with experience in a variety of areas that can help your organization with concise, focused, and informative recommendations. Our consulting services are available on-site or remotely, to fit your needs.

Continuing Education Services
Upgrade your skills and knowledge through Amigos Library Services Continuing Education Services. From reference and technical services to project management, cataloging, technology, and more, our workshops, available face-to-face and online, help you discover and strengthen the tools you need to serve your community. And even better, we can tailor them to fit you and your group's unique needs.

Hyku is a digital repository that provides a robust and flexible platform for institutions of any size to manage, preserve, and provide access to digital content. Hyku reduces barriers to effective asset management and is supported by a vibrant and ever-growing open-source community. Amigos is committed to providing a seamless hosting experience with Hyku. Full-service hosting includes not just the Hyku service, but also comprehensive implementation support, prompt and helpful email and phone support, and free live and video-based online training.

Member Discount Services
Work more efficiently by saving time and money through Amigos Library Services Member Discount Services. Learn how our knowledgeable account representatives can not only streamline your billing and renewals, but can also negotiate vendor discounts on your behalf. Take advantage of the thousands of reliable and affordable products and services we offer from leading vendors, handpicked just for our members.

Resource Sharing
Amigos Library Services sponsors both the Amigos Resource Sharing Agreement and the Western Resource Sharing Agreement which are designed to enhance reciprocal borrowing among members who not only benefit financially, but also save time, money, and strengthen the benefit for all other resource sharing agreement participants.

SimplyE, an easy to use open source e-book app, was developed by libraries for libraries. Developed Using ReadersFirst principles, SimplyE makes borrowing library e-books easy and quick by hiding the Digital Rights Management (DRM) frustrations from the patron.

Topical Online Conferences
Amigos Library Services presents regularly scheduled online conferences throughout the year, exploring topics and trends of current interest to the library community.

Trans-Amigos Express
Amigos Library Services Courier Service, offering rapid pickup and delivery of ILL items among participating libraries for a low annual subscription rate and choice of 2, 3, or 5-day-per-week delivery.