Collections Reflect Communities
April 10, 2025
Explore how libraries represent their communities through collections and technical services practices.
For the library to be a living organism it must constantly evolve – adding new materials and resources, pivoting to meet new needs, and changing with its community. In the areas of collections and technical services, that move to be a living organism requires responsible flexibility as we consider new formats and organize and make collections discoverable. Collections, classification and cataloging, weeding, and storage practices all represent the heart of each individual library to their communities.
Collections Reflect Communities will explore the ways that libraries represent their communities through collections and technical services practices.

Registration Closes: April 8, 2025, 8:00 AM CT
Registration is for a single individual to access the conference and all the conference materials, including session recordings, for one year. All correspondence and login information for this online event will be sent to the email address provided on the registration form.
Session Speakers

For more information about this conference, contact or (972) 340-2829.