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Start your New York Times Subscription Now and Get One Month Free!

Amigos Library Services offers academic and higher education libraries discount subscriptions to The New York Times. Published in New York City since 1851, The New York Times is an important source for obtaining reports, information, and opinions on topics ranging from politics, finance, health, science, culture, the arts, sports, and fashion in the U.S. and abroad.

Birds, Bats, and Bears: A Virtual Tour of BioOne Complete with Amigos April 13

High-quality content for researchers and students in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences

BioOne Complete is a full-text database of 215 independently published journals focused on the broad disciplines of biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. A trusted source for scientific research, it is a home to leading journals in agriculture and plant sciences, entomology, zoology, and biodiversity conservation.
