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Head in the right direction with Transport eBooks from Emerald

Emerald's latest Transport eBooks Collection provides access to high quality, international research through 44 Emerald book titles, previously only available in print. The collection spans a wide range of transport related disciplines, including modes of transport, safety, systems, logistics, planning and the environment.

Take a tour of Springshare’s LibApps LTI Tool - included with LibGuides CMS

What is the LibApps LTI?

LTI stands for 'Learning Tools Interoperability' and it allows you to seamlessly integrate your Springshare content and tools natively inside courseware tools like Blackboard, Moodle, Sakai, Desire2Learn, Canvas, etc.

The webinar will be held several times during the month of July. In this 30 minute webinar, you'll explore:
