Catch Up on DOAJ’s Data, Work and Projects in Newly Released Annual Highlights 2023 Report

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), an Amigos partner, has released an 'Annual Highlights' report outlining highlighted data, work, and projects from 2023. In 2023 DOAJ celebrated significant milestones and continued to develop their organization and service to keep pace with the changing landscape. Amigos partnership with DOAJ simplifies the process of library contributions for DOAJ and facilitates libraries providing financial support for DOAJ’s vital work and at discounted member rates.

Through its two decades of serving as a trusted open infrastructure, DOAJ has maintained its commitment to promoting equity and diversity in scholarly communications. During 2023, DOAJ also reached the milestone of 20,000 journals in the index, and through their new “journal stories” series, they have celebrated the unique voices and perspectives they represent.

DOAJ continued its core work of reviewing and evaluating the many journal applications received each month, and the global team of dedicated volunteers and experienced Managing Editors added almost 2000 new titles to the index. Two new collaborative initiatives were launched during the year that champion and promote best practices: the Open Access Journals Toolkit and the PLACE (Publishers Learning and Community Exchange).

Read about these activities and more at in their first ever 'Annual Highlights' report.