Amigos Library Services understands that providing our membership with the most current and accurate news and information is a necessity in a constantly evolving industry. We are committed to providing this information to our members through numerous communication channels such as Amigos publications, newsletters, news feeds, and email correspondence.
View our newsletters page to explore our latest newsletters and/or subscribe to them.
Voting Representatives: Did you receive a message?
Amigos Announces Candidates for election to the Amigos Board of Directors
Figure out what goes where in Dewey Decimal Classification: The Basics
Create better Online Tutorials in this brand new course
Lean to use Debriefs and Retrospectives to their fullest power
Order ALA RDA Toolkit Subscriptions for Spring
As a free benefit of membership, Amigos offers a single simultaneous user subscription to Resource Description and Access (RDA) Toolkit, an essential tool in modern technical services.
Toward Trans-Inclusive Librarianship
Introduction to Health Literacy for Libraries
Basic Cataloging
Need help "Bringing Users Back to the Library"?
Present at the Amigos Member Conference!
Privacy and Learning Analytics: A Data Ethics Workshop for Library Professionals
New Discount Offer for Amigos Members on Ambrose Video Publishing
Ambrose Video Publishing is now offering additional special discounts to Amigos Library Services members to start 2023 and to announce their re-designed website. Free trials and per-video pricing are available by contacting Laurence Zuercher .
After-Mouse’s Play Touch Table Continues to Gain Popularity
Amigos vendor After-mouse welcomes Commack Public Library as the newest to add one of their popular Play Touch Tables to their library. Commack Public joins twenty-two other Long Island libraries with even more launches planned. Commack Youth Services Librarian Joanne Browning shared that feedback from young patrons and parents has been terrific.