Amigos Library Services understands that providing our membership with the most current and accurate news and information is a necessity in a constantly evolving industry. We are committed to providing this information to our members through numerous communication channels such as Amigos publications, newsletters, news feeds, and email correspondence.

View our newsletters page to explore our latest newsletters and/or subscribe to them.

Amigos Announces Candidates for election to the Amigos Board of Directors

The Amigos Library Services Nominating Committee has announced the slate of candidates for election in May to the Amigos Library Services Board of Directors. Candidate and voting information will be sent to the designated Voting Representatives of Amigos’ member institutions as part of an upcoming Call to Meeting.

Create better Online Tutorials in this brand new course

Videos and online tutorials are where many people turn to quickly learn and develop new skills. As libraries develop their own online tutorials and videos, they can become important information literacy tools.

Toward Trans-Inclusive Librarianship

All libraries can provide a trans-inclusive respite for transgender community members and their own staff. Move toward a trans-inclusive environment for patrons and staff by learning to create and maintain safe and welcoming spaces, collections, and programs.

Introduction to Health Literacy for Libraries

Health literacy is obtaining, processing, and understanding basic health information and services. The National Assessment of Adult Literacy indicates that only 12% of Americans have the necessary health literacy skills to meet their needs, including locating health services, understanding drug labels, and following treatment instructions.

Basic Cataloging

Designed for those new to cataloging, this overview of the basics highlights the essential tools and techniques, including descriptive cataloging, subject cataloging, and Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC).

Need help "Bringing Users Back to the Library"?

Ready to take library experiences to the next level? In the upcoming webinar series "Bringing Users Back to the Library", explore how Amigos vendor partner Article Galaxy Scholar (AGS) helps get the most out of research!

After-Mouse’s Play Touch Table Continues to Gain Popularity

Amigos vendor After-mouse welcomes Commack Public Library as the newest to add one of their popular Play Touch Tables to their library. Commack Public joins twenty-two other Long Island libraries with even more launches planned. Commack Youth Services Librarian Joanne Browning shared that feedback from young patrons and parents has been terrific.

Know & Go: Conducting Effective Meetings

Meetings are a weekly – sometimes daily – ritual for many library administrators and staff. Learning to lead and participate effectively in meetings results in better preparation to get the most out of your time.

Introduction to Archival Practice

Gain an overview of archival practice by learning how to work with collections, describe and organize archival materials, and create a basic finding aid.