
Vendor Description

Ovid SilverPlatter works collaboratively with information publishers and distributors worldwide to offer the widest range of quality databases and greatest choice of access. Ovid SilverPlatter covers a diverse range of subjects including food and agriculture, health sciences, environment, science and technology, business, education, health and safety, the humanities, and social sciences.

Products and services—1,300 journals, 4,500+ eBooks, and 100+ databases—offered on the following OVID platforms:

Training for OVID Platforms - http://www.ovid.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/content_service_Training_13051_-1_13151

Vendor provides these types of services: 
Vendor specializes in these library types: 
Order/License Forms
Vendor Support
Amigos Support: 
800-843-8482 ext 2880 or mds@amigos.org