Dealing with Difficult Interactions

We all have ideal versions of the perfect library and the perfect patron in our minds, but real life comes with real curveballs. How can a library prepare for the next difficult patron interaction? Evaluate (or develop) and revise policies to address new and ongoing situations. Improve communications skills among staff and patrons to better handle a variety of situations they are likely to encounter in the library. Take steps now to train staff, boost confidence in addressing situations, and support patrons respectfully and adequately.
Learning objectives for this session may include:
  • Identify types of difficult situations and interactions
  • Evaluate policies and practices for difficult days
  • Discuss training strategies to boost staff confidence and communications
Session Duration
This course consists of two 2-hour sessions.
Contact Hours


Miguel Figueroa portraitPrior to joining Amigos Library Services in 2020, Miguel served as director of the American Library Association's Center for the Future of Libraries; director of member programs at the American Theological Library Association; and director of the American Library Association's Office for Diversity & Spectrum Scholarship Program and Office for Literacy and Outreach Services. He has held positions with New York University Medical Center's Ehrman Medical Library and Neal-Schuman Publishers. Miguel is a graduate of the University of Arizona’s Knowledge River Program, an initiative that examines library issues from Hispanic and Native American perspectives.