Documenting Your Library's Work

Are you in charge of creating documentation for the processes at your library? Do you feel overwhelmed by this task, or like you don't know where to start? This class will break down documentation creation into manageable chunks using the five-step technical writing process. Participants will learn how to plan, structure, write, review, and publish their documentation. This course includes many opportunities for hands-on practice with the creation of documentation.
Learning objectives for this session may include:
  • Identify the steps in the technical writing process.
  • Learn ways to streamline the process of creating documentation for library work.
  • Get hands-on practice with documentation creation.
Session Duration
This course consists of two 2-hour sessions.
Contact Hours


portrait: Naomi Gonzales

 Naomi Gonzales is the Library Services Trainer & MOLIB2GO Coordinator at Amigos. She has over ten years of library experience in academic and medical libraries, and most recently served as a federal contractor in support of The National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus consumer health website. Her professional interests include web accessibility, usability, and community outreach. In her personal life, Naomi enjoys befriending stray cats, volunteering at her local farmer’s market, and playing cozy video games.