Over the years, the CLCD database has the most comprehensive PreK-12 children’s literature resource available for locating books and media. This includes the beginning reader, through early childhood, elementary and secondary education including young adult materials. Because of this broad database used in the three specialized products, CLCD is the ideal resource to meet the wide range of needs for schools, public libraries and academic institutions. The CLCD products are being described as the “single source, single search” resource for meeting children’s literature needs.
The CLCD database and supporting content includes titles dating from the 1700s to today including most of the children’s books annually introduced by American publishers. The database includes over 1 million fiction and non-fiction book and media titles. The titles are enhanced with over 600,000 professional reviews from 52 review sources; 1,000 national and international award organizations representing 95,000 award winners and nominees’ books; 1,000s of regional, state and national best book lists; over 25,000 curriculum links/resources, lesson plans and discussion guides; and 6,000+ author/illustrator links. The CLCD database is full-text searchable. Also included are many recommended titles from lists compiled by prestigious organizations such as the National Council of Teachers of English, National Council for Social Studies, National Science Teachers’ Association, and the International Reading Association. It also has annual lists prepared by ALA, YALSA and ALSC as well as reading metrics (Lexile, Scholastic Reading Counts, and Accelerated Reader).