
Vendor Description
PowerNotes addresses the challenges inherent to source-based writing in the digital environment, and seeks to improve writing quality with tools that provide an efficient and continuous workflow through the entire digital reading, research, and writing process. Learn how PowerNotes can:
  • increase the accessibility of your databases with integrated OCR;
  • improve reading comprehension and retention in the digital environment;
  • prevent unintentional plagiarism and contract cheating;
  • combat procrastination, while allowing students to reflect on their reading and writing activities;
  • enable students to gather, annotate, and save content and citation information efficiently;
  • put students in the best position to write by providing an efficient organizational framework;
  • provide instructors and librarians with visibility into the students’ research process.
We are also excited to showcase our latest Automated Citations, Time Management, and Source Notes/Information Literacy features.

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Vendor Support
Amigos Support: 
Laurence Zuercher - 972-340-2880 or zuercher@amigos.org