Controlled Digital Lending Recommended Practice Draft from NISO Out for Public Comment

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announced that its draft Interoperable System of Controlled Digital Lending (IS-CDL) Recommended Practice (NISO RP-44-202X) is now . NISO invites all members of the information community to review the work and share any feedback.

Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) allows libraries to replicate the right to lend their legally acquired items in a digital format to patrons under “controlled” conditions, meaning a library can lend only the number of copies of a specific title that it owns and that controls are implemented to prevent copying or distribution of the work. The process of implementing CDL can be quite complex and must take into account various scenarios and systems requirements. The NISO draft Recommended Practice includes four distinct architectural models covering both CDL within a single institution as well as shared CDL infrastructure: 1) Standalone CDL system, 2) Integrated Institution-based System, 3) Shared CDL Infrastructure/Integrated Consortium-based System, and 4) Distributed/Decentralized CDL. These models are described using common attributes, allowing potential adopters to compare and consider practical aspects of how they might be developed or implemented in a local environment.

For more information, read the full press release.

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