Design Thinking for Libraries

In an era of rapid technological advancements and evolving user expectations, libraries face the ongoing challenge of staying relevant and engaged with their communities. Design thinking, a human-centered approach to problem-solving, offers a powerful framework for librarians and staff to foster innovation and create exceptional user experiences. After reviewing the concept and theory behind design thinking, take a deep dive into each step of the process through discussions and exercises. Explore how design thinking can be implemented to solve some of the simple and complex problems libraries face.
Learning objectives for this session may include:
  • Explain the design thinking process
  • Apply the design thinking process to solve problem and issues
  • Discussing the uses of design thinking in libraries
Session Duration
This course consists of two 2-hour sessions.
Contact Hours


Naomi Gonzales portraitNaomi Gonzales is the Library Services Trainer & MOLIB2GO Coordinator at Amigos. She has over ten years of library experience in academic and medical libraries, and most recently served as a federal contractor in support of The National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus consumer health website. Her professional interests include web accessibility, usability, and community outreach. In her personal life, Naomi enjoys befriending stray cats, volunteering at her local farmer’s market, and playing cozy video games.