General News

Amigos Library Services and the University Libraries at Washington University in St. Louis Host Privacy and Learning Analytics Workshop

Amigos Library Services and the University Libraries at Washington University in St. Louis were pleased to host "Privacy and Learning Analytics: A Data Ethics Workshop for Library Professionals" on Friday March 31, 2023. The workshop, led by Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Professor & Coordinator for Research and Teaching Professional Development, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is part of the IMLS-funded Prioritizing Privacy project.

Reflections from ER&L Conference Amigos Scholarship Recipients

Amigos' sponsorship of the Electronic Resources and Libraries (ER&L) 18th Annual Conference provided free conference registration to staff from six libraries across the country – Nova Southeastern University Library, St. Mary's University, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, California State University, Los Angeles, East Texas Baptist University, and Salem College Library – access to e-resources management education.
