Member Discount News

Digitalia Public Library, Digitalia Hispanica Academic Announce Additional Partnerships

Digitalia Public Library and Digitalia Hispanica Academic have announced partnerships with 12 major Spanish-language publishers: Random House, Siruela, Anagrama, Santillana, Planeta, Maeva, Roca, Harlequin, Edebe, La Galera, Libros del Asteroide, and Alba. The new publishers cover more than 80% of the Hispanic market. Thousands of new titles will be added each month to Digitalia Public Library and Digitalia Hispanica Academic.

Columbia Offers Music, Film Databases

Columbia University Press now offers the Entertainment Industry Data (ID). The ID is composed of two databases, in music and film, which can be purchased individually or together. Together, Music ID and Film ID bring a powerful new research tool into humanities and cultural studies. For the first time, academics can examine and compare film and music industry facts and figures alongside each other.

Going to ER&L in Austin? - Visit Amigos and Our Vendor Partners

Will you be attending the Electronic Resources & Libraries conference next week in Austin, TX? If so, stop by the Amigos table and say hello. Also be sure to visit our vendor partners who will be exhibiting.
