Copyright and related courses

Know & Go: Understanding Creative Commons Licensing

Creative Commons licenses offer an easy and effective way to identify images, music, and other content for use and reuse. This overview of Creative Commons will explain the copyright implications of CC-licensed materials and how they differ from public domain and fair use. Get ready to find Creative Commons-licensed materials, promote their usage, and even help license work under the Commons.

Copyright 101: Helping Patrons Understand Copyright

Librarians come in contact with copyright laws in a variety of ways in their work. Whether it is a student wanting to make copies, an instructor wanting to show a a film in class, or a small business owner wanting to use content for marketing materials, our work and our patrons present us with a myriad of copyright-related dilemmas. In this course, we will start with a brief overview of the history of American copyright law and then discuss how copyright law effects our work as information professionals.