Cataloging & Classification Basics

From MARC bibliographic, and classification and categorization schemas, to basic copy cataloging, and other areas essential to the cataloging department, this course offers an in-depth training in cataloging and classification. It prepares participants to begin copy cataloging by demonstrating how to interpret bibliographic records and match to items in hand. Topics include terminology, resources, and workflow. Hands-on exercises (at least one per day) provide practice using new skills. Examples and exercises will be based on OCLC-MARC, and accessed through the Connexion cataloging interface.

Scheduled Dates

  • March 11, 2025, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
  • March 13, 2025, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
  • March 18, 2025, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
  • March 20, 2025, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
  • March 25, 2025, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Learning objectives for this session may include:
  • Discuss the function of Integrated Library Systems (ILS)
  • Discover basic tools, both print and online, for cataloging
  • Interpret Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal Call numbers to enable shelf discovery
  • Recognize a MARC bibliographic record
  • Apply correct MARC code to a monograph bibliographic record
  • Define copy cataloging, including basic cataloging principles & terminology
Topic Area
Session Duration
This course consists of five 2-hour sessions.
Contact Hours


Amanda Sprochi portraitAmanda Sprochi is a cataloger of all things rare, digital, and print at the University of Missouri in Columbia. She's served as the Medical Library Association’s representative (6 years) to the American Library Association’s Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access, was a member of the RSC+ Committee working on the RDA 3R Project, and chaired the Fictitious Entities Working Group. She teaches cataloging courses at the Mizzou School of Information Science & Learning Technologies and was honored with a 2024 CORE Presidential Citation for her work as chair of ALA's Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access.