Changing Standards, Local Choices: Navagating the Current Cataloging Landscape - homepage

With the implementation of the new RDA Toolkit, and progress toward the implementation of BIBFRAME being made, the world of cataloging standards is in a state of flux. While many of the changes will be guided by what's happening at the national, or even global, level, they will also rely on a certain amount of local standard creation. Application profiles, local cataloging workflows, and other methods of customization will be very important in helping catalogers implement the changes in a way that works for them, their libraries, and their patrons.

Join us February 10, 2022, for Changing Standards, Local Choices: Navigating the Current Cataloging Landscape. This Amigos Library Services online conference will explore ways to prepare for the changes in cataloging standards over the next few years.

For more information about this conference, contact or (972) 340-2897.