Online information. A noisy marketplace. Budget constraints. Many things can get in the way of marketing your library or library services. But a powerful story, well-told across staff, can break through the noise and boost your library's reach. By putting patrons at the center of the library story and focusing on community successes, you can empower staff to strengthen relationships with patrons, build confidence in and credibility for the library, and grow your organization by harnessing a powerful yet accessible word of mouth marketing strategy.
Scheduled Dates
June 12, 2025, 1:00pm -
3:00pm CDT
Registration closes
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- Define your role in the Customer’s Story
- Identify the 10 areas where libraries are critically important
- Create empathy and authority statements to position yourself as a guide

Chris Boivin has been using marketing and communications to help people and brands get the right message to the right people for 30 years. During the last nine years, he led marketing at Jacksonville Public Library, Florida's largest library system with 21 locations and more than 650,000 cardholders. Boivin co-founded the Jacksonville, Florida, chapter of the American Marketing Association, served on the board of the Library Marketing Conference Group, is a judge for EBSCO's John Cotton Dana Awards, and founded the Library Marketing Book Club ( - which currently has more than 1,000 members. He taught marketing as an adjunct professor at Florida State College at Jacksonville, and speaks at library marketing events across the U.S. and Canada.