Know & Go: Cultivating an Accessibility Mindset

Providing equitable access for all patrons is the aspirational mission of libraries - but it can be intimidating for those unfamiliar with accessibility. Understanding the fundamentals of accessibility can help shift how we think about design, equity, and creating community. Learn how minor changes to any library environment can make a major difference to users. Understand accessibility basics and leave with actionable steps to improve the experience of patrons and library staff.

Scheduled Dates

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Topic Area
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
User Experience
Session Duration
This course consists of a 1-hour session.
Contact Hours
.portrait { float: right; border: none; padding: 3px; margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; } Image removed.Naomi Gonzales is the Library Services Trainer & MOLIB2GO Coordinator at Amigos. She has over ten years of library experience in academic and medical libraries, and most recently served as a federal contractor in support of The National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus consumer health website. Her professional interests include web accessibility, usability, and community outreach. In her personal life, Naomi enjoys befriending stray cats, volunteering at her local farmer’s market, and playing cozy video games.