Volunteers in the Library

Making a volunteer experience truly rewarding takes coordination and care – and leading library volunteers can be an experience unlike any other. By identifying opportunities for volunteers in the library and establishing a plan for coordinating their work, this session explores meaningful ways to inspire and celebrate volunteers. Discover best practices for recruiting, training, and supervising volunteers in the library and develop strategies for making the volunteer role beneficial for the volunteer and the organization.
Learning objectives for this session may include:
  • Identifying the volunteer role in libraries of all types
  • Discussing the library's role in supervising volunteers
  • Utilizing tools for identifying and coordinating types of volunteer projects
  • Examining new ways to celebrate volunteer contributions
Session Duration
This course consists of one 2-hour session.
Contact Hours


portrait: Miguel FigueroaMiguel Figueroa
Prior to joining Amigos Library Services in 2020, Miguel served as director of the American Library Association's Center for the Future of Libraries; director of member programs at the American Theological Library Association; and director of the American Library Association's Office for Diversity & Spectrum Scholarship Program and Office for Literacy and Outreach Services. He has held positions with New York University Medical Center's Ehrman Medical Library and Neal-Schuman Publishers. Miguel is a graduate of the University of Arizona’s Knowledge River Program, an initiative that examines library issues from Hispanic and Native American perspectives.