In addition to the information contained on the TAE label, participating Texas libraries must confirm that their library’s shipping information in their SHAREit interlibrary loan (ILL) account is displaying correctly. This makes it easier for others to quickly package and address materials to your library. Following the instructions below will help you locate this information as it pertains to statewide ILL:
- Log into the SHAREit system at
- Follow this path: Staff Dashboard -> Participant Record -> Location and confirm your library’s courier number as well as your Hub City is correct in the Address 2 field, for example: 23 DAL
- To make changes, contact the Texas State Library and Archives Commission’s statewide ILL program staff at
For those libraries not using SHAREit, please display your TAE information on the interlibrary loan requests (ALA form, fax, email, etc.) you send to other libraries. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us at 800-843-8482 or