general news that doesn't fit into any other category

Why Hyku? Why a Repository Solution?

Over the past year, Amigos has been diligently working on a new service for libraries, a repository solution that uses Hyku.

Throughout the past decade, Amigos has been working in the open-source space as member libraries have sought easier ways to host digital files, assets, and objects in ways that are open and available to their users.

Amigos Association Management Services Launches New Learn & Share Series

On Wednesday, May 22nd, the Amigos Association Management Department (AMS) debuted its Library Association Leaders Learn & Share series, with the first session, “The Future is Now: Association Succession Planning,” moderated by Missouri Library Association Past President Otter Bowman. Nine association leaders representing five organizations attended the event. They discussed various topics such as growing future association leaders, passing along institutional knowledge, and dealing with burnout at the association board level.

NISO logo

Attend NISO’s May 8th webinar on Indigenous librarianship

Amigos' partnership with NISO extends Library Standards Alliance membership to all Amigos libraries and adds to a full schedule of free continuing education available to all member library staff. Members are invited to attend the May 8th webinar on Indigenous librarianship. NISO makes it easy for Amigos members to receive notice of webinars. Register to be the designated webinar contact for your institution and automatically receive Zoom sign-on information directly  from NISO for all webinars and then share the information with staff and colleagues.

Amigos Welcomes Gwendolyn Prellwitz as CES Manager

Amigos Library Services is pleased to welcome Gwendolyn Prellwitz as our new Continuing Education Services (CES) Manager. Amigos’ CES team coordinates a full schedule of online workshops, free Know & Go sessions for member libraries, our popular Online Conferences, and customized on-request trainings for libraries and organizations. Gwendolyn has already begun working with member instructors to support new offerings and improved learner experiences.

Voting Representatives: Did you receive a message?

In preparation for the upcoming elections, Amigos is testing email addresses to ensure that voting materials will be properly received by each member institution. A message was sent on March 19th to the email address on file for each member institution's Voting Representative.

Amigos Announces Candidates for election to the Amigos Board of Directors

The Amigos Library Services Nominating Committee has announced the slate of candidates for election in May to the Amigos Library Services Board of Directors. Candidate and voting information will be sent to the designated Voting Representatives of Amigos’ member institutions as part of the email containing the Call to Meeting.

Voting Representatives: Watch for a test message

In preparation for the upcoming elections, Amigos is testing email addresses to ensure that each member institution will properly receive voting materials at voting materials will be properly received by each member institution.