Identifying, Evaluating and Lifting Barriers to Services in your Library

 Registration is closed for this event
Though few are intentionally, many barriers to services exist in libraries today. And it's our job to help remove them to better serve our public. We will discuss common types of barriers to services in efforts to answer the following question: <ul> <li>How can barriers to service in your library be identified, evaluated and lifted?</li> </ul>

Join this interactive session to explore ways to identify barriers and solutions in order to increase awareness of and access to your existing library services.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss current barriers/ trends in barriers
  • Idenify specific organizational barriers
  • Implement a plan to evaluate and remove service barriers

Target Audience:

Attendees should have familiarity with Web browsers and the Internet. Basic HTML experience is preferred.

Homework Expectations and Completion Requirements:

  • Participants to take a homework plan and observe and identify barriers to generate a post reflective statement on goals for removing barriers to services in their organization.
  • It is designed for individual participation; each individual must register.

Technical Requirements:
Visit BigBlueButton's detailed minium requirements page.

Session Duration:
This course consists of one 2-hour session.

Instructor:  Erin Gray -

Continuing Education Credit:
Contact Hours: 2


October 6, 2021

10:00 am - 12:00 pm CDT

Online Classroom
United States

Phone: 800-843-8482

Amigos Member $95.00
Non-member $155.00