ORCID: Helping Your Researchers Connect to Their Work

 Registration is closed for this event
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a code used to uniquely identify academic authors and contributors. If used, ORCID can uniquely identify a researcher and his work, making it easier for libraries and scholars to keep a current list of writings.

In this session, we'll see how ORCID works, look at the APIs available for use, and how libraries can be involved.

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Explain the process for getting an ORCID
  • Describe what the API can do

Target Audience:
Academic libraries


Homework Expectations and Completion Requirements:

Technical Requirements:
Visit Adobe's detailed requirements page for an in-depth list or run a system and connection test on your computer now.

Session Duration:
This course consists of a 1-hour session.

Instructor:  Christine Peterson - peterson@amigos.org

Continuing Education Credit:
Contact Hours: 1


June 5, 2018

10:30 am - 11:30 am CDT

Online Classroom
United States

Phone: 800-843-8482

Amigos Member Individual Registration $60.00
Non-member Individual Registration $90.00