Member Discount Services

Discounts Available for Ambrose Streaming Video

Ambrose [Streaming] Video service is offering special pricing on its video collections to Amigos members. Ambrose is well known for the popular BBC Shakespeare Series, Turning Points history series, and the Ascent of Man series. For a limited time, the entire streaming collection of 494 videos is being offered at a 79% discount off the $12,350 list price if purchased through Amigos.

Optimal Resume Helps Job-Seeking Kirkwood Library Patrons

The downturn in the world's economy that began in 2007 is generally referred to as The Great Recession. As the U.S. the economy sagged and job losses grew, libraries across the country began seeing patrons in record numbers seeking help with job searches. Not only was the need for assistance rising, but the way in which patrons wanted help was changing. Job seekers that had traditionally sought help from the many employment guides dotting library shelves increasingly began asking for online tools.
