Member Discount Services

Connect With Your Community through a Mobile App from Boopsie

Boopsie, a mobile platform-as-a-service provider, creates library-branded apps that conveniently connect your community to the resources and services your library offers. Boopsie apps deliver an easy user experience and work with any ILS provider as well as all major platforms including Android, Apple, Windows, Kindle Fire and Blackberry. The apps are simple to maintain and enable your library to extend its services into the hands of your community.

Bring research methods and statistics to life - Try SAGE Research Methods Video free for 30 days

Sometimes research methods can be a tough nut to crack, especially for students with a range of learning styles. When they’re already overwhelmed with journal articles and books they need to read to complete their paper or a research project, using more text-based resources might not be the most effective teaching tool.
