Apply by July 24 for an Amigos sponsored scholarship to 2023 NWILL Conference!

The 22nd Annual Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference will be held virtually, September 20-22, 2023. The 2023 Keynote Speaker is Shannon Pritting, Director of Library Services, Open, and Digital Learning Assets at Empire State University; the keynote topic is Boundaries, Nostalgia, and Collaboration: Resource Sharing as a Framework.

Amigos is sponsoring the registration cost for up to five conference attendees working at Amigos member libraries. With the NWILL Conference Committee awarding fifteen scholarships for ILL practitioners who would have difficulty participating otherwise, there are a total of twenty scholarships available to cover the cost of registration for the conference.

Scholarship details are available on the online application form. To be considered for a scholarship, apply no later than Monday, July 24! 

For scholarship questions, contact anyone on the Scholarship Team:

Elizabeth McKeighen,
Paula Martin,
Shawna Gilbert,
Sofiya Dahman,

For other questions, contact the planning committee by email at
