The EZproxy 5.7 release is now available from the OCLC Web site

New features added to EZproxy 5.7 increase the system’s flexibility for additional local control, including the following:

  • A new config.txt option, MimeFilter has been added to allow EZproxy to determine which object types should support URL rewriting. This way, libraries can have finer-grained control over what object types (javascript, pdf, text or HTML) are being proxied, allowing greater flexibility in configuring access to e-content.
  • In the admin server status screen, a checkbox for location has been added. If checked, the display includes relevant geolocation information for all session on the status screen. By including location, library staff can now see where their users are located when accessing e-content.
  • When using LDAP authentication, expressions are now accepted for the BindUser and BindPassword directives. This change allows EZproxy administrators to use more complex expressions to derive bind usernames and bind passwords, giving them more flexibility to meet campus-specific requirements. For example, the following LDAP authentication example is now supported.

    BindUser -expr login:user . ""
    BindPassword -expr login:pass
    URL ldaps://,DC=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=person)
    IfUnauthenticated; Stop
    IfUser doe; Admin

  • EZproxy now supports the range of cipher options using the SSLCipherSuite syntax and options supported in the Apache web server, giving you more control over security settings with EZproxy. Use the configuration statement SSLCipherSuite to specify the cipher options.
    Example: SSLCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM:LOW:EXP:!ADH:!aNULL
    Note the previous cipher-related options can still be used.
  • Many general bug fixes and additional security issues were also addressed in this release.

EZproxy Hosted service is available
A hosted version of EZproxy is available. Libraries that subscribe to the hosted version are automatically and seamlessly upgraded with each new release of the service. They also enjoy 24 x 7 x 365 support for off-site authentication of electronic content with no servers or IT infrastructure required.

Upgrade now
We encourage you to upgrade to EZproxy 5.7 or move to the hosted version to stay current with the latest features. Please review the enhancements page and upgrade at your earliest convenience.

For more details and a full list of changes, please go to:

To upgrade to EZproxy 5.7:
