Register for OCLC's "The Metadata [R]evolution: Transformative Opportunities"

September 18, 2013 | 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time
In person: Glass Pavilion, Levering Hall, Johns Hopkins University
Online: via live-streaming video

Will the future of metadata be an evolution, revolution, or both? From serving as a descriptor of items and collections to now including people and places, the progression and repurposing of metadata is an exciting frontier, full of opportunities and challenges. Join us in person on 18 September at Johns Hopkins University (or virtually via live-streaming video) as we explore the powerful potential of metadata from a variety of insightful perspectives:

  • Paul Albert, Assistant Director of Research and Digital Services, Weill Cornell Medical College
  • Anita de Waard, Vice President of Research Data Collaborations, Elsevier
  • James G. Neal, Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian, Columbia University
  • Barbara Preece, Director, Loyola/Notre Dame Library
  • Bob Schulz, Senior Product Manager, OCLC
  • Jackie Shieh, Coordinator, Resource Description, George Washington University Libraries
  • Winston Tabb, Dean of University Libraries and Museums, Johns Hopkins University

Register to attend in person
This event is free to attend. OCLC will provide lunch and refreshments.

Register to participate virtually

Please bookmark this page for the live-streaming video. No log-in information is needed to participate virtually.
