OCLC Releases Groups and Consortia Survey Findings

OCLC recently released the findings from a survey it conducted among U.S. library consortia leaders. The report, entitled "A Snapshot of Priorities & Perspectives, U.S. Library Consortia," details findings from a study OCLC conducted in 2012 to learn about the demographic make-up of their groups, their strategic initiatives, their groups' challenges and top methods for communicating with their members.

Key findings of the survey revealed that most U.S. library consortia:

  • Have been in existence for more than 30 years
  • Have more than 40 members
  • Consider funding to be their top challenge
  • Host in-person meetings and networking opportunities with members at least several times a year

Amigos participated in the survey along with more than 100 leaders of U.S. library consortia. Survey findings are available for viewing a PDF.
