OCLC Adds New Features to WorldShare ILL, Extends WorldCat Resource Sharing Access through May 2014

New features now available in OCLC WorldShare® Interlibrary Loan include printing and workflow options completely new to WorldShare ILL. Several of the new features are listed below, and additional details about these enhancements are available in the September 2013 WorldShare ILL Release Notes.

Printing enhancements include:

  • Print a request directly from within the request, eliminating the need to print from the request queue.
  • Redesigned 1-per-page and 2-per-page printouts.

A summary of WorldShare ILL printing enhancements is available at on the OCLC website at http://oc.lc/illprint.

Workflow enhancements include:

  • New display results of request searches. Search results are now divided into separate borrower and lender result sets.
  • One-step transfer of bibliographic data and holdings into new requests from a "View Holdings" display.
  • Lenders can now edit request details after responding yes to the request.

New Schedule For Your Transition To WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
In response to requests from many members of the OCLC resource sharing community, OCLC has extended access to WorldCat Resource Sharing through May 19, 2014. The new transition schedule provides additional time for ILL staffs to fully learn the new WorldShare ILL service while retaining access to WorldCat Resource Sharing.

New WorldShare ILL transition dates are:

  • End of placing new requests in WorldCat Resource Sharing: April 14, 2014
  • End of access to WorldCat Resource Sharing: May 19, 2014

Thank You To Those Of You Who Have Completed Your Transitions From WorldCat Resource Sharing To WorldShare ILL.
You have provided leadership for others whose transitions are in process. OCLC invites you to share your WorldShare ILL experiences with others through an upcoming webinar or a written summary OCLC can share on its website. Please let them know of your interest in helping your ILL colleagues by sending an email to ILLstory@oclc.org.

OCLC will continue to add new features to the service, beginning with the next scheduled release in November 2013. There are no planned releases of new functionality between November 2013 and February 2014, to give you an opportunity to become more familiar with WorldShare ILL during a three-month period when the service remains essentially unchanged.

WorldShare ILL Training
Comprehensive WorldShare ILL training and documentation resources are available from OCLC Support and Training website. Training resources include:

As always, please contact OCLC Customer Support at support@oclc.org or OCLC Support in your region for assistance.
