New OCLC Research Report: Scope and Diffusion of Scottish Presence in Published Record Detailed in New Report

Written by OCLC Research Scientist Brian Lavoie, Not Scotch But Rum: The Scope and Diffusion of the Scottish Presence in the Published Record uses WorldCat bibliographic and holdings data to identify, characterize, and track the diffusion of the Scottish presence in the published record. The report describes a repurposable, machine-processing-based methodology for identifying a country’s national presence, including materials published in the country, published by the country’s nationals, or published about the country. Scotland is employed as a case study to illustrate the methodology’s application: the salient features of the nearly two million distinct publications in the Scottish presence are discussed, along with the diffusion of these materials around the world.

This report will be of interest to libraries responsible for collecting and preserving their country’s contribution to the published record, as well as to scholars interested in exploring how countries manifest and transmit their cultural heritage through the published record.
