Got a Tip for Worldshare ILL Users?

Amigos will present "Tips and Tricks for WorldShare ILL," a one-hour online webinar on July 21. We are looking both for ideas and presenters.

We want to focus on the new functionality available in WorldShare ILL, but we also want to provide an opportunity for ILL practitioners to share workflow suggestions they have discovered or developed while transitioning to this new ILL interface.

We are looking for ideas you think would be valuable to other ILL staff. If you are willing to present your idea, that would be great also! Don’t worry if you’ve never presented online. We will work with you and any co-presenters to familiarize you with our online presentation software and practice with you until you’re comfortable and ready to go.

Contact Continuing Education Librarian Tim Prather, or 800-843-8482, ext 2892, if you have suggestions or would be interested in presenting your idea or something you’ve discovered.
