July 18: last day to submit proposals for "Libraries, Authors, and Publishing," Amigos online conference

Time is running out to submit proposals for the September 18 Amigos online conference "Libraries, Authors, and Publishing."

We are looking for speakers on a variety of topics. Is your library supporting local authors in some way? Are you reaching out to your community to help writers? Are you publishing or hosting e-books or e-journals for your community? Have you worked through any legal issues that would be helpful to others? If you can speak on one of these topics or have another idea, don’t hesitate to submit a proposal.

Online events eliminate your travel time by allowing you to present from the comfort of your office. Don’t worry if you’ve never presented online; it's easy, we’ll train you and provide you plenty of technical support.

If you have any questions about the conference topic or presenting at an online conference, contact Christine Peterson, peterson@amigos.org or 800-843-8482, ext. 2891.
