Take Advantage of Ambrose Digital In-Perpetuity Offers
Would you like to avoid paying renewal pricing every year on Ambrose Digital by taking advantage of their special in-perpetuity offer? To receive the special pricing, Amigos members must purchase Ambrose Digital in packages of 50, 100, or 200 videos.
A special discounted rate is also available on the most popular series. You may purchase the BBC Shakespeare Series or The Long Search as part of a specially discounted package price.
Whole Catalog Offer 582 videos at $63.56 each = $36,995
200 videos at $75 each $15,000
100 videos at $90 each $9,000
50 videos at $140 each $7,000
Best Selling Series in-perpetuity offers!
37 BBC Shakespeare Plays In perpetuity‐ $6,000
13 videos, The Long Search In perpetuity‐$2,500
For a list of the 89 series and 582 videos, take a look at the Screening Room.
This promotion is available through August 31, 2015.
For more information about pricing or packaging, contact Christopher Burke, burke@amigos.org or 800-843-8482, ext. 2805.