Get answers to all your questions - check out Data Planet
Do your patrons ever need answers to these questions?
- What does the change in presidency have to do with recessions?
- What five states rank the highest for cattle sales measured in percentage of farm sales?
- How many federal employees work in Oklahoma?
- What is the relationship between General Electric stock and the U.S. economy?
- What county in Arkansas spends the most per household on tobacco products?
- What is the inverse relationship between the prime rate and unemployment?
- What is the most expensive higher education institution in Texas and in the United States?
Data-Planet's Statistical Datasets can answer these and many more questions. Their datasets provide access to an extensive repository of standardized and structured statistical data. Through a single platform, users can search and browse 25 billion data points in 4.3 billion datasets sourced from 70+ authoritative government and private sources.
The platform's powerful functionality allows users to:
- manipulate datasets
- compare multiple indicators
- chart trends over time
- spatially represent data without additional software programs
- export in a variety of options
Amigos member libraries can purchase or renew Data-Planet at a discount.
For pricing and trial information, contact Ashley Brizuela, or 800-843-8482, ext. 2805.